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Top 100 Foods With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1) - Care Omnia Nutrition

Heptadecenoic acid (17:1) is an odd-chain monounsaturated uncommon fatty acid.

Heptadecenoic acid has shown to be an important fatty acid for our brain.

Heptadecenoic acid is found in food sources like:

You can find a more detailed list of foods that contain heptadecenoic acid below.

Want to learn more about heptadecenoic acid (17:1)?

Then we recommend you check out our article named What is Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1) & What Foods Can I Find It In?

You can also search for a specific food or nutrient through our Search Page.

Ranked List Of 100 Foods With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Below you'll find a list of the top 100 foods that contain heptadecenoic acid (17:1). It's ranked from the food with the most amount to the food with the least amount.

For ease of use, we've grouped together all foods that share the same rank.

By clicking on a food you'll get a list of all the nutrient content of that food.

Foods Ranked 1 - 20 With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankFoods with Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)per 100gper Oz
(External Fat Only)
476 mg134.9 mg
(Seam Fat Only)
407 mg115.4 mg
(External Fat Only)
405 mg114.8 mg
(Seam Fat Only)
404 mg114.5 mg
(Oogruk, Alaska Native)
287 mg81.4 mg
(Beef Rib, Grade: Choice, Bone-In, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
260 mg73.7 mg
(70% Lean Meat / 30% Fat)
258 mg73.1 mg
8257 mg72.9 mg
(Beef Rib, Grade: All, Bone-In, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
246 mg69.7 mg
10235 mg66.6 mg
(Beef Rib, Grade: Select, Bone-In, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
225 mg63.8 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
217 mg61.5 mg
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
213 mg60.4 mg
14Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values211 mg59.8 mg
(75% Lean Meat / 25% Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: All, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
206 mg58.4 mg
16Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values205 mg58.1 mg
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
203 mg57.5 mg
18202 mg57.3 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
199 mg56.4 mg
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Select, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
197 mg55.8 mg
fig 1. Foods with heptadecenoic acid (17:1) rank 1 to 20

Foods Ranked 21 - 40 With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankFoods with Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)per 100gper Oz
21Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values192 mg54.4 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: All, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
190 mg53.9 mg
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
188 mg53.3 mg
(70% Lean Meat / 30% Fat)
182 mg51.6 mg
25178 mg50.5 mg
(75% Lean Meat / 25% Fat)
176 mg49.9 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
173 mg49 mg
28Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values172 mg48.8 mg
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Select, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
29Four foods with the same rank/nutrient values171 mg48.5 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Loin, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Rib, Grade: Choice, Bone-In, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
170 mg48.2 mg
31Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values169 mg47.9 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: Choice, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
168 mg47.6 mg
33Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values165 mg46.8 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
34Four foods with the same rank/nutrient values164 mg46.5 mg
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: All, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(80% Lean Meat / 20% Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: All, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
35Five foods with the same rank/nutrient values162 mg45.9 mg
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Loin, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(70% Lean Meat / 30% Fat)
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(80% Lean Meat / 20% Fat)
161 mg45.6 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
160 mg45.4 mg
(Beef Loin, Grade: Choice, Lip-On, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
159 mg45.1 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
158 mg44.8 mg
40Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values157 mg44.5 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(80% Lean Meat / 20% Fat)
fig 2. Foods with heptadecenoic acid (17:1) rank 21 to 40

Foods Ranked 41 - 60 With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankFoods with Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)per 100gper Oz
41Five foods with the same rank/nutrient values156 mg44.2 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Loin, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(75% Lean Meat / 25% Fat)
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: Select, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
155 mg43.9 mg
43Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values154 mg43.7 mg
(Beef Rib, Grade: All, Bone-In, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Select, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
44Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values153 mg43.4 mg
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: Choice, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
45Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values152 mg43.1 mg
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(With Salt)
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
151 mg42.8 mg
(Mild, Skin & Breading)
150 mg42.5 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
149 mg42.2 mg
49Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values147 mg41.7 mg
(80% Lean Meat / 20% Fat)
(Beef Inside Skirt, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(85% Lean Meat / 15% Fat)
(Beef Loin, Grade: All, Lip-On, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
146 mg41.4 mg
51Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values145 mg41.1 mg
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: All, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
52Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values144 mg40.8 mg
(75% Lean Meat / 25% Fat)
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
53Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values141 mg40 mg
(80% Lean Meat / 20% Fat)
(75% Lean Meat / 25% Fat)
54Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values140 mg39.7 mg
(Beef, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
138 mg39.1 mg
(Beef Outside Skirt, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
137 mg38.8 mg
57Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values136 mg38.6 mg
(85% Lean Meat / 15% Fat)
(Beef Lip-On, Grade: Select, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
58Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values135 mg38.3 mg
(Beef, Grade: All, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Short Loin, Grade: Select, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
134 mg38 mg
60Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values133 mg37.7 mg
(85% Lean Meat / 15% Fat)
(Beef Bone-In Lip-On, Grade: Choice, Meat Only, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
fig 3. Foods with heptadecenoic acid (17:1) rank 41 to 60

Foods Ranked 61 - 63 With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankFoods with Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)per 100gper Oz
(Beef Inside Skirt, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
131 mg37.1 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
129 mg36.6 mg
63Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values128 mg36.3 mg
(Beef, Grade: Choice, Denver Cut, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
(Beef Loin, Grade: Select, Lip-On, Boneless, Meat & Fat, Trimmed To 1/8" Fat)
(Beef Rib, Grade: Select, Bone-In, Meat Only, Trimmed To 0" Fat)
fig 4. Foods with heptadecenoic acid (17:1) rank 61 to 63

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Foods In Different Categories With Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

The food categories below have foods that contain heptadecenoic acid (17:1).

Select a category to show a ranked list of all the foods in that category with heptadecenoic acid (17:1).

Food CategoriesNumber of foods
in category
American Indian/Alaska Native Foods21
Baked Products99
Beef Products446
Breakfast Cereals10
Candy, Sweets or Lollies36
Dairy and Egg Products52
Dressings and Condiments13
Fast Foods213
Fats and Oils27
Finfish and Shellfish Products46
Lamb, Veal, and Game Products42
Legumes and Legume Products23
Meals, Entrees, and Side Dishes50
Nuts and Seeds19
Pork Products62
Poultry Products140
Restaurant Foods103
Sauces and Gravies18
Sausages and Luncheon Meats34
Soups, Broths, and Stews14
Vegetables and Vegetable Products19
fig 5. Food categories with foods that contain Heptadecenoic Acid (17:1)

Sara Niemelä

co-founder Care Omnia, Head Content Creator

Author Image of Sara Niemelä

Nutrition is my passion. I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, analyzing, categorizing and comparing research studies.

I’m a wife and a mother of three. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family.