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Top 100 Foods With Brassidic Acid (22:1 t) - Care Omnia Nutrition

Brassidic acid (22:1 t) is a monounsaturated fatty acid also known as 13(E)-Docosenoic acid.

This acid occurs in nature only along with bitter-tasting compounds.

Brassidic acid has been shown to possess several health benefits.

You can find brassidic acid in food sources like:

You can find a more detailed list of foods that contain brassidic acid below.

Want to learn more about brassidic acid (22:1 t)?

Then we recommend you check out our article named What Is Brassidic Acid (22:1 t) & What Foods Can I Find It In?

You can also search for a specific food or nutrient through our Search Page.

Ranked List Of 100 Foods With Brassidic Acid (22:1 t)

Below you'll find a list of the top 100 foods that contain brassidic acid (22:1 t). It's ranked from the food with the most amount to the food with the least amount.

For ease of use, we've grouped together all foods that share the same rank.

By clicking on a food you'll get a list of all the nutrient content of that food.

100 Foods Ranked 1 - 14 With Brassidic Acid (22:1 t)

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankFoods with Brassidic Acid (22:1 t)per 100gper Oz
(With Added Solution, Retail Parts, Meat Only)
44 mg12.5 mg
(From Retail Parts, From Dark Meat)
18 mg5.1 mg
(From Retail Parts, From Dark Meat)
16 mg4.5 mg
(Cold Pressed)
14 mg4 mg
(Regular, Salad Dressing)
12 mg3.4 mg
(Contains Added Sliced Flaxseed)
11 mg3.1 mg
7Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values9 mg2.6 mg
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
88 mg2.3 mg
9Four foods with the same rank/nutrient values7 mg2 mg
(Salad Dressing)
(With Added Solution, Retail Parts, Meat & Skin)
(Retail Parts, Meat & Skin)
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
10Nine foods with the same rank/nutrient values5 mg1.4 mg
(Regular, Standard Snack-Type)
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
(Plain, Potatoes, Pan Fried In Canola Oil)
(Potatoes, Refrigerated, Pan-Fried In Canola Oil)
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
(With Added Solution, Retail Parts, Meat Only)
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
11Six foods with the same rank/nutrient values4 mg1.1 mg
(Regular, Commercially Prepared, Higher Fat, Enriched)
(Basil Pesto, Ready-To-Serve)
(Retail Parts, Meat & Skin)
1211 foods with the same rank/nutrient values3 mg0.9 mg
(Commercially Prepared, Includes Mini-Muffins)
(Total Can Contents)
(Chinese Restaurant)
(Family Style Restaurant)
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
(Chinese Restaurant)
(Chinese Restaurant)
(Chinese Restaurant)
1328 foods with the same rank/nutrient values2 mg0.6 mg
(Fried Yeast Bread, Latino Restaurant)
(Drained Solids, Fish)
(Without Skin & Bones, Drained Solids)
(Dried, Sweetened, Desiccated, Flaked, Packaged, Nuts)
(With Lettuce, Cheese, & Ranch Sauce)
(Potato, Fried In Vegetable Oil)
(White Meat, Precooked, Not Reheated)
(Made With Tapioca Starch & Brown Rice Flour)
(With Lettuce, Cheese, & Ranch Sauce)
(Chinese Restaurant)
(Breaded & Fried)
(Shelf Stable, Ready-To-Serve)
(Retail Parts, Meat & Skin)
(Retail Parts, Meat Only)
(Includes Oyster, Soda, Soup, Crackers)
(Prepared With Garlic & Parmesan Cheese)
(Made With Tapioca Starch & Brown Rice Flour, Gluten-Free)
1433 foods with the same rank/nutrient values1 mg0.3 mg
(Chinese Restaurant)
(Drained Solids, Fish)
(Total Can Contents)
(Without Skin & Bones, Drained Solids, Fish)
(Pasteurized Process, American, Fortified With Vitamin D)
(In-Store Bakery, Commercially Prepared With Chocolate Frosting)
(With Creme Filling, Regular)
(Latino Restaurant)
(Star Shaped, From Kid's Menu)
(Salsa Con Queso, Cheese & Salsa- Medium)
(With Salt, All Types)
(Without Salt, All Types)
(Crunchy, Chinese Restaurant)
(Regular, Commercial, Salad Dressing)
(Frozen As Packaged, Salt Added In Processing)
(Family Style Restaurant)
(Dark & White Meat, Precooked, Not Reheated)
(Plain Or Honey, Includes Cinnamon, Cookies)
(Family Style Restaurant)
(Chinese Restaurant)
(With Raisins)
(With Salt, Smooth Style, Includes USDA Food Distr. Program)
(Without Salt, Smooth Style)
(Made From Dried Potatoes, Preformed, Multigrain)
(Made From Dried Potatoes, Reduced Fat)
fig 1. Foods with brassidic acid (22:1 t) rank 1 to 14

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You can try searching for it using our search page.

Foods In Different Categories With Brassidic Acid (22:1 t)

The food categories below have foods that contain brassidic acid (22:1 t).

Select a category to show a ranked list of all the foods in that category with brassidic acid (22:1 t).

Food CategoriesNumber of foods
in category
Baked Products17
Fast Foods15
Finfish and Shellfish Products12
Poultry Products14
Restaurant Foods21
fig 2. Food categories with foods that contain Brassidic Acid (22:1 t)

Sara Niemelä

co-founder Care Omnia, Head Content Creator

Author Image of Sara Niemelä

Nutrition is my passion. I've spent thousands upon thousands of hours reading, analyzing, categorizing and comparing research studies.

I’m a wife and a mother of three. I enjoy the outdoors, cooking, and spending time with my family.