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Top 100 Sausages and Luncheon Meats With Alanine - Care Omnia Nutrition

Below we list 100 Sausages and Luncheon Meats with alanine. The list is sorted from the food with the most amount to the food with the least amount.

We recommend you also check out our top ranked list of all foods with alanine or take a look at what other foods there are in Sausages and Luncheon Meats.

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Ranked List Of 100 Sausages and Luncheon Meats With Alanine

You can find out what other nutrients a food has by clicking on its name.

Sausages and Luncheon Meats Ranked 1 - 20 With Alanine

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankSausages and Luncheon Meats with Alanineper 100gper Oz
(Corned Beef)
2 g552.8 mg
21.8 g496.1 mg
31.6 g450.8 mg
41.6 g447.9 mg
5Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.5 g419.6 mg
(Dry, 50% Less Sodium)
61.4 g402.6 mg
71.4 g382.7 mg
8Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.3 g379.9 mg
(Dry Or Hard)
91.3 g377 mg
101.3 g371.4 mg
11Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.3 g368.5 mg
(Link/Patty, Reduced Fat)
(Cured Beef)
121.3 g357.2 mg
(98% Fat-Free)
1.2 g351.5 mg
141.2 g348.7 mg
(Dry Or Hard)
1.2 g343 mg
161.2 g334.5 mg
17Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.2 g331.7 mg
18Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.2 g326 mg
(Beef, Pork)
191.1 g323.2 mg
(Extra Lean, Low Sodium)
1.1 g309 mg
fig 1. Sausages and Luncheon Meats with alanine rank 1 to 20

Alanine supplements available online

Here's a few supplements available through Amazon that contain alanine. Please click on the image or the link below for further details (#ad).

Sausages and Luncheon Meats Ranked 21 - 40 With Alanine

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankSausages and Luncheon Meats with Alanineper 100gper Oz
21Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.1 g306.2 mg
(Chicken, Pork & Beef)
221.1 g303.3 mg
23Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values1.1 g300.5 mg
(Cooked, Reduced Fat)
(Low Salt, Prepackaged Or Deli, Luncheon Meat)
241.1 g297.7 mg
25Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values1 g294.8 mg
(Deli, Rotisserie Seasoned, Sliced, Prepackaged)
26Six foods with the same rank/nutrient values1 g289.2 mg
(Fat-Free, Mesquite Flavor, Sliced)
(Fat-Free, Sliced)
(Low Sodium)
(Link/Patty, Reduced Fat)
27Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values984 mg279 mg
(Pork & Beef)
979 mg277.5 mg
(Beef & Pork)
966 mg273.9 mg
30Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values952 mg269.9 mg
(Not Specified)
948 mg268.8 mg
32947 mg268.5 mg
(Breakfast Links, Mild)
940 mg266.5 mg
(Link/Patty, Fully Cooked)
936 mg265.4 mg
35935 mg265.1 mg
36932 mg264.2 mg
37Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values930 mg263.7 mg
(Beef, Pork, Link)
38Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values917 mg260 mg
(Pork & Beef)
39911 mg258.3 mg
40Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values902 mg255.7 mg
(Hot, Beef With Chicken)
fig 2. Sausages and Luncheon Meats with alanine rank 21 to 40

Sausages and Luncheon Meats Ranked 41 - 60 With Alanine

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankSausages and Luncheon Meats with Alanineper 100gper Oz
(Beef, Pork)
890 mg252.3 mg
(Beef, Pork)
886 mg251.2 mg
43Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values880 mg249.5 mg
(Less Sodium)
(Luncheon Meat)
877 mg248.6 mg
45873 mg247.5 mg
46848 mg240.4 mg
47836 mg237 mg
48832 mg235.9 mg
49Six foods with the same rank/nutrient values830 mg235.3 mg
(Cheese Smokie, Pork, Beef)
(With Cheddar Cheese)
(With Cheddar Cheese, Sticks, Pork & Beef)
(Pork & Beef, Nonfat Dry Milk Added)
826 mg234.2 mg
(Link/Patty, Fully Cooked)
824 mg233.6 mg
(Pork, Veal)
813 mg230.5 mg
53812 mg230.2 mg
54Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values804 mg227.9 mg
(Beef & Turkey, Pork, Lite)
55802 mg227.4 mg
(Italian Style, Lower Sodium)
790 mg224 mg
57Three foods with the same rank/nutrient values774 mg219.4 mg
(Beef, Pork)
(Beef & Pork)
(Fully Cooked)
771 mg218.6 mg
59Two foods with the same rank/nutrient values770 mg218.3 mg
(Beer Salami, Pork)
(Fully Cooked)
765 mg216.9 mg
fig 3. Sausages and Luncheon Meats with alanine rank 41 to 60

Sausages and Luncheon Meats Ranked 61 - 70 With Alanine

Click on a food to explore all of the nutrients it contains.

RankSausages and Luncheon Meats with Alanineper 100gper Oz
61763 mg216.3 mg
(A Pork Liver Sausage)
762 mg216 mg
63759 mg215.2 mg
64747 mg211.8 mg
741 mg210.1 mg
(Regular, Approximately 11% Fat)
731 mg207.2 mg
(Pork, Turkey & Beef)
724 mg205.3 mg
68718 mg203.5 mg
69713 mg202.1 mg
70706 mg200.1 mg
fig 4. Sausages and Luncheon Meats with alanine rank 61 to 70

Alanine Supplements Available Online

Here's a few supplements available through Amazon that contain alanine. Please click on the image or the link below for further details (#ad).

Foods With Alanine In Other Food Categories

The food categories below have foods that contain alanine.

Select a category to show a ranked list of all the foods in that category with alanine.

Food CategoriesNumber of foods
in category
American Indian/Alaska Native Foods35
Baby Foods68
Baked Products349
Beef Products935
Breakfast Cereals43
Candy, Sweets or Lollies83
Cereal Grains and Pasta157
Dairy and Egg Products206
Dressings and Condiments10
Fast Foods130
Finfish and Shellfish Products250
Fruits and Berries149
Lamb, Veal, and Game Products443
Legumes and Legume Products211
Meals, Entrees, and Side Dishes32
Nuts and Seeds129
Pork Products315
Poultry Products370
Restaurant Foods96
Soups, Broths, and Stews49
Spices and Herbs24
Vegetables and Vegetable Products577
fig 5. Food categories with foods that contain Alanine

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