What Is Biotin & What Foods Can I Find It In?
Biotin is one of the water-soluble B vitamins, also known as vitamin B7.
It also goes under the name vitamin H.
The H stands for Haar and Haut, which means hair and skin in German.
The name probable comes from biotin's reputation to be able to strengthen hair and nails and do wonders for your skin.
Unfortunately, is this not anchored in any reliable science.
But biotin is still is very important for us.
Table of Contents
Biotin Is An Important Vitamin
Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or vitamin H, is an essential vitamin for life.
It is believed that biotin plays a role in the replication and transcription of DNA. (source ◳)
It is naturally present in some foods and is often a compound in dietary supplement.
It’s a water-soluble vitamin that is involved in a wide range of metabolic processes, primarily related to the utilization of fats, carbohydrates, and amino acids. (source ◳)
Biotin For Absorption
Intestinal bacteria synthesize biotin.
But it is not clear how much of this is available for absorption. (source ◳)
Biotin is used to break down and absorb carbohydrates, fats, and amino acids.
When these nutrients break down properly, the body can absorb the vitamins and minerals that make our body function properly.
Biotin Supplements
Nutritional biotin deficiency is rare.
There is a common belief that taking a biotin supplement will give you healthy hair, nails, and skin.
But there is no scientific evidence to support such claims in healthy individuals with no biotin deficiency. (source ◳)
Because of the lack of clinical evidence, the use of biotin supplements to improve hair quantity or quality is not recommended. (source ◳)
Biotin Deficiency
Biotin deficiency are rare, but it can cause many health problems if it occurs, including:
- Feeling tired
- Dry skin
- Loss of appetite
- Trouble sleeping
- Poor wound healing
Foods You Can Find Biotin In

You find Biotin mostly in and dairy and eggs, vegetables and legume products.
Examples of food sources include
Foods in our nutrition tool
You can find regularly updated top ranked lists of foods for over 200+ nutrients in our nutrition tool.
We currently have just a few foods in our nutrition tool that contain Biotin.
Here's our short list of foods that contain Biotin.