About Care Omnia - Who We Are and What We're About
Care Omnia was founded in 2017 by Sara and Peter Niemelä.
We live in Täby, Sweden, just north of the capital, and we have three amazing children.
Our goal is to build Care Omnia to one of the most reputable and trusted resources on the web for those who want to make small or large changes in their everyday life towards what we call healthy living.
It's all about: Well-being in all aspects of life.
We call it healthy living when you consider the health-aspect of the simple choices you make in your everyday life, for instance, the choice between taking the stairs or the elevator. With the former, in many cases, being the healthier alternative.
We want Care Omnia to act as a bridge between the science of healthy living and your everyday life.
A bridge where the research done in various subjects is carefully and thoroughly applied to questions or problems many of us experience in our lives.
Table of Contents
Research Backed Statements and Content Above All Else
We are obsessed with combing through copious amounts of studies and research papers for every article we publish so that the core content is backed by research.
Why you may ask?
We’ve read too many articles on blogs and reputable sites where the sources they list don't support their statements or even worse, disprove them. Sometimes we wonder if the author of the article even read the study before deciding to refer to it.
We like to think that Care Omnia could, in its own way, act as a counterbalance to all that.
And then there’s our family credo: “If you’re going to do it, then do it well.”
So we have no choice in the matter!
Short Personal Letters From Our Content Creators
Who better to describe what they do and why they do it than the ones who actually do it!

Sara Niemelä
I'm Sara Niemelä and one of the two founders of Care Omnia.
I’ve always had an interest in matters of health and health care. As you can see from my first choice of education when I was only 15 years old, I chose to become a licensed practical nurse (LPN).
But my interest goes beyond school. In my free time, I often read and search for new health information. Food and nutrition is one thing that lay close to my heart. Not just for me and my family, but I want every child to get the right nutrition from the start, giving them the best conditions to grow and develop into healthy beings.
After countless hours/days/weeks and now more than a decade of searching and reading through site after site. I realized that the information provided was often not even correct, and writers of those blogs and articles often quoted each other instead of looking into the actual science behind their statements.
This is when I and my husband decided to do something about it.
The work we’re doing through Care Omnia gives me the chance to not only help others answer and solve everyday questions and problems but also to do what I love; dive into research papers and studies, talk to researchers and learn about all the amazing work that’s done in the world of science.
When it comes to nutrition and nutrients, I have emerged myself into the amazing world of nutrients. I have gone through countless nutrients and the research about them, why we need them or not, what they do to us, and how they can help us in achieving and maintaining health.
I hope you enjoy our hard work!
Kind regards,
Sara Niemelä
co-founder & Head Content Creator Care Omnia
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), University Diploma in Educational Information and Communication Technology, Bachelor of Science in Social Work

Peter Niemelä
I’m Peter Niemelä and I’m the other founder of Care Omnia.
As me and Sara have been together for more than two decades now, much of, if not everything, what she’s written about is close to my heart as well. Especially when it comes to our children and their well-being but also our obsession when it comes to providing correct and research backed content on our site.
I wanted to take this opportunity and talk about the educational and technical aspects of Care Omnia.
With Care Omnia we aim to make the information as accessible as possible to everyone on this beautiful blue world of ours.
Educational aspect of Care Omnia
When it comes to the educational aspect of Care Omnia, what we try to do is to write our articles and other content so that everyone can find something useful in each article. Even though we sometimes miss the mark with a wide margin, I believe we’ve become better at it over time.
Our belief is that if we’re to become that bridge between science and our everyday life we have to have articles made of more than lengthy quotes from research papers.
We need to use other media as well such as pictures, graphs and video to make the content more interesting.
We aim to inspire you to take charge and choose a healthier life through small but important changes in your everyday life instead of trying to convince you to go through another diet, 30-day challenge or some other activity that promises miracles but fails to produce lasting results.
Small, but healthy changes that fit perfectly well in the puzzle that is your life is the way to achieve a healthier lifestyle.
Technical aspect of Care Omnia
Forgive me, but I’m an engineer and I can’t write about myself and the work we’re doing without talking about what I feel is one of the best parts of the website we’re developing.
We made the decision early to prioritize and build our site for mobile use. That means our site isn’t as good looking on a desktop as many other sites but what we loose there we win on mobile. With an Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) compatible site we’re able to deliver our content fast and securely to mobiles and tablets all over the world.
This might not sound like that big of a deal to most but for me it’s absolutely foundational for the work we’re doing.
Mobile traffic has already passed more than 50% globally and the trend is clear, mobile traffic will continue to grow. Mobiles grow more and more powerful while at the same time becoming more and more affordable.
As our slogan “Life is everything. Let’s Make It A Healthy One!” implies, all life is precious. So our mobile-focused approach should enable more people globally to enjoy our content whoever they may be or what ever region of the world they might live in, be it rich or poor.
Imagine being able to say that you’re making the world healthier?
That’s what we’re doing every day, dreaming of a world where everyone has access to the information they need to change theirs and their loved ones lives for the better.
Take care!
Peter Niemelä
co-founder Care Omnia. Graphics & Media Content, Website Development
Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Social Science in Educational Sciences, Swedish National School Leadership Training Programme
Life is everything. Let's make it a healthy one!

Best wishes from,
Sara & Peter